Social media specialist - united arab emirates, dubai

Maintain the organization's promotional and branding activities using various social media accounts.develop relative and high-quality online material to upload on the company's online platforms.plan a comprehensive social media strategy for improving the outreach of the organization.evaluate the outcome of online campaigns through real-time metrics and relevant tools.monitor seo and user engagement and suggest content optimization.implement new seo and social media trends in the organization's existing digital activities for continuous improvement.skillsproficient in analyzing key performance indicators that define the effectiveness of social media campaigns.skilled in handling content planning, ideation, creation, and delivery for platforms like facebook, linkedin, instagram, and twitter.understanding of seo and web traffic metrics.adept in publishing social media captions, articles, blogs, and other online resources.possessing remarkable potential in showcasing ideas through formal and informal modes.adept at understanding market trends, consumer requirements, and company capabilities to plan customer-centric online campaigns.

Social Media Specialist
United Arab Emirates, Dubai
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