Factory product manager - saudi arabia, alkharj

Gain a deep understanding of customer experience, identify, and fill product gaps and generate new ideas that grow market share, improve customer experience and drive growth.create buy-ins for the product vision both internally and with key external partners.develop product pricing and positioning strategies.translate product strategy into detailed requirements and prototypes.scope and prioritize activities based on business and customer impact.working closely with engineering teams to deliver with quick time-to-market and optimal resources.drive product launches including working with public relations team, executives, and other product management team members.skillsproven work experience in product management or as an associate product managerproven track record of managing all aspects of a successful product throughout its lifecycle.proven ability to develop product and marketing strategies and effectively communicate recommendations to executive management.solid technical background with understanding and/or hands-on experience in software development and web technologiesstrong problem-solving skills and willingness to roll up one’s sleeves to get the job.skilled at working effectively with cross functional teams in a matrix organization.excellent written and verbal communication skills

مصنع خلطة الغربي للصناعة
Saudi Arabia, Alkharj
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